watch — moving sound/image

seeds of degrowth

duration: 8-12'
source format: 16mm
production format: 16mm and video
distribution: live performance / double-sceen projection 

In this exploratory cinema work, Caroline Daish and Miki Ambrózy are sharing the encounter of each others’ practices. The ‘oracle practice’ of Caroline meets Miki’s ‘remote sensing’. Remote sensing is typically used for the technologies of image capture from a distance, using satellites and drones. Here, however, with the oracle’s specific approach to connection and ongoingness, we use remote sensing to relate processes. Filmed images, the memory of writing, and vocal work are exchanged between the two participating artists and others around them.

As we are developing seeds of degrowth, we are using a mode of working that we call experimental ecopoetics. In this mode, the creation of a film is considered to be a symbiotic act with the events around it. It’s a film that searches a symbiotic form with soil, landscape, the microscopic, and the haphazard.

How could a degrowth process be activated through the oracle practice’s accumulated experience? What happens to camera images when we disperse them in a constellation of events? How does the temporality of poetry, in its encounter with the vocal-spatial-durational strategies of the oracle practice affect a screen-work?

seeds of degrowth
March 2024, Brussels, Belgium. nadine - contemporary laboratory for contemporary arts.

Artists: Caroline Daish, Miklós Ambrózy - with Nojus Drasutis, Sophie Durand, Ruta Vizbaraite and Rasa Janciauskaite

Media: voices, ambient sound, digital screens, 16mm film transferred to digital


2024, 16mm and video


(c) Miki Ambrózy, Nojus Drasutis 2024